
I’m a lawyer who dreams about food all day long (in-between working hard on all of my cases, of course!).

I was born and raised in beautiful Vancouver, B.C. and I’m a West-coast city girl through and through!

I started baking when I was in high school and have slowly but steadily improved since then (when I was 17, I made a cake with layers of mousse. Each layer was studded with hard bits of un-dissolved gelatin. NOT appealing!).

I love and adore chocolate (if I couldn’t eat it, I seriously think life wouldn’t be worth living). The Husband loves citrus flavoured desserts, so to maintain matrimonial harmony, I shake things up once in a while and bake something lemony.

I’m a book fanatic – I have a wall of bookshelves brimming with books in my apartment and I’m always looking to expand.

I’m addicted to food blogs and am always excited to try new recipes. They inspire me to up the ante when it comes to my own culinary skills.

I’m slowly learning about local, organic foods. The Husband and I have started going to local farmer’s markets and we love the fresh produce and meat that comes from our neck of the woods.

I’m slowly learning how to blog and take respectable photographs. So far, I’m enjoying every minute of it!

If you’d like to contact me with any questions or comments (or just to chat about my favourite topic, food!), send me an email at gottagetbaked@gmail.com

53 thoughts on “About

    • Hi Natalija, thanks for commenting! I just checked out your blog – the photography is stunning! I especially love all your food photos (naturally). I hope I can keep you entertained 🙂

  1. Fantastic! I love the journey and transition that begins with a new hobby and all the excitement that goes with it. I’m new to blogging myself this year and I too have a range of dishes I pull out for my sweetie, lol…let’s just say, I make a lot of chocolate cake!

    • I’m definitely down for chocolate cake baking! If I could bake only one thing for the rest of my life, that’d be it! Blogging has been so much fun so far – I get to indulge in all this baking and every time the Husband gives me a look, I can tell him I’m experimenting for my blog! 😉

      • Perfect! At least you’ve got your priorities right then! 😉 For me, I love to refine what I already know. Each little hint, tip or piece of advice helps us all to learn and that’s a really vital part of becoming a better cook or chef in the long run.

  2. Ahh, I see you’re lawyer, maybe you’ve read my ‘about’ page, or maybe not, but it’s something I’m contemplating at the moment, so really glad to find your blog, and nice to meet you 🙂

    • I know exactly how you feel. The only difference being that I’m twice your age (ack, that makes me feel old!) and I’m definitely at a cross roads where I love the law but I LOVE LOVE LOVE baking. All I can say is follow your heart but be practical too – I went to law school because I wanted to go (not because my parents wanted it for me) and I don’t regret a single moment. Email me any time if you have questions! I can’t wait to follow your adventures through your wonderful blog.

      • Hehe, yes that is so true. I do still have a feeling that I want to do Law, I feel it is something that would suit me as a person too, but being at a cross-roads is a very good description of how it is! That’s so kind of you thank you, I’ll make sure to! 🙂

  3. I didn’t realize you were a lawyer! Of course, now that I’m saying that I’m realizing it’s been on the sidebar of all your blog posts. Whoops. But how funny–you are exactly how I could imagine myself in a few years. Practicing law, dreaming about baking. I think that it’s awesome that you made time for this outlet!!

    • Thanks so much! I’m notorious for simply collecting these awards and then procrastinating on accepting them – I’d better get my act together and blog about it soon. I’m very honoured 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones as well (and lots of good food, of course!).

  4. you and I sound very similar! Our love of baking seems to have grown since we were younger! Students who think about food non stop 😉 and visit local markets, love books and food blogs! =)

  5. I didn’t know you were from B.C.!! I’m a fellow Canadian from Toronto, but I’ve always dreamed of venturing out to the west coast someday. I love your blog and am quite happy with following along with your baking adventures 🙂

    • Yay, I love meeting fellow Canuck food bloggers! If you’ve never been to the west coast, you should make a trip out of it. Come in August or September though – the rest of the year is just RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. It drives me bonkers. Let me know if you’re ever in Vancouver – I’d love to meet up! I’ve never been to the East coast. I’m heading to Ottawa in March for work and I’m pretty excited. I love your blog too and will definitely be following your delicious recipes & adventures 🙂

  6. Pingback: Super Sweet Bloggers Award | Mama Miyuki Easy Pantsy

    • Thanks so much for the nomination! I really appreciate your kind words. I’d love to participate … I’m just such a terrible procrastinator! I have awards going back to August 2012 that I’ve been meaning to blog about, lol. I will try to do it as soon as possible. Thank you once again, this is very sweet!

      • Every time I visit, your header makes me hungry for cake. I wish I had a slice right now! I can understand procrastinating because it is a tad time consuming, especially if you have a backlog of all your prestigious awards 😉

    • Hi Jovina, thanks for letting me know! My husband was tinkering around with my site last night and pressed “publish” before I had written anything in that post (yeah, I know – I’m just passing the blame!). I published it this morning and then a reader pointed out that I kept writing “cranberry” when I obviously used raspberries. Oy vey! It’s been one of those weeks where my brain just doesn’t want to work. It should all be fixed now!

  7. I absolutely love your blog (everything is SO gorgeous!) and especially excited to read that you’re a lawyer 🙂 I’m starting in two months, so it’s good to know you can have still have time for food blogging!! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

    • Thanks so much! I just went to look at your blog and it’s awesome. Are you starting school or starting work? Either way, congratulations! It’s pretty darn hard making the time for blogging, I’m not gonna lie, but I love doing this so I force myself to make the time. I’m following you now (that sounds so creepy! lol) so I’m sure I’ll hear more about your legal adventures, alongside lots of yummy food.

      • Aw, thank you so much!! Hahaha so happy you’re following me! I’m always thrilled to find another blogger who’s in the same boat work-wise (and will probably come to you for advice before too long!!) I’m starting work (ahhhhhh) so we’ll see how it goes in my first year. Like you said, I think I’m just determined to figure out how to make it work. The first obstacle is figuring out a lighting setup for night photos, sigh. lol. I’m looking forward to commiserating with you, and SO happy I found your blog!

  8. Pingback: A Cross Country Culinary Tour | Go Bake Yourself

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