Chocolate Bar Cookie Bars for a @blahnikbaker Guest Post

Anyone as obsessed with Gilmore Girls as I am? My little sister and I used to watch it religiously when it was on the air from 2000 to 2007. I just re-watched the entire series (twice!) on Netflix.

Back in the day, when I still lived at home, the Husband-then-boyfriend had an irritating habit of calling me during the show. I don’t know why he insisted on doing it, especially since I wouldn’t even talk to him. He would have to call me back after my show was over, thank you very much.

This Nat King Cole song, “Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer” featured prominently in the episode that goes by the same name, “Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days”. Stars Hollow was hosting a summer festival and a barbershop quartet was singing this song over and over and over again, driving Lorelai (and the television viewing audience) insane.

That’s kind of how I feel about this summer. It has flown past. It’s been hot as hell, definitely crazy, and while I haven’t been all that lazy, I’ve sure wanted to give into my urges and just lie around doing nothing.

My dear friend, Zainab, of Blahnik Baker, sure won’t get the chance to lie around doing nothing for a long time. She and her husband just welcomed their sweet baby boy, Elliott, into the world and I couldn’t be happier for them! Zainab is super woman – she’s a neuroscience PhD student, she is gorgeous ‘n chic from head to toe and she consistently blows me away with the deliciously incredible, unique and inventive sweets she makes for her blog.
Chocolate Bar Cookie Bars |
I’m honoured to be guest posting today for Zainab while she takes a break from blogging. Since I know that she will be short on time, I whipped up these incredibly easy ‘n simple chocolate bar cookie bars for her. So no matter how lazy you’re feeling and no matter how hazy ‘n crazy life may seem, there will always be dessert.
Chocolate Bar Cookie Bars |
Congratulations my dear friend! Click here to check out the recipe and say hi to Zainab.

8 thoughts on “Chocolate Bar Cookie Bars for a @blahnikbaker Guest Post

  1. Uber yummy looking über chocolate bars, Nancy! Guess the heat in CA made it up to YVR too….Wondering if all these guest posts you’re doing for mommy is foreshadowing…Are you now inspired to hold your own bundle of joy? =)

  2. I never watched the Gilmore Girls, but my mom loved it. I could see myself binging on it at some point. I’m currently binging on New Girl.

    So, I totally LOVE eating cookie bars, and whenever I see them at a party, I go straight to them. But for some reason, I never think to make them myself at home, and I always just make regular cookies for some reason. Bars bars, bring on the bars, Lori!

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